- [Barking]
- [Conrad]
Okay, there's Nevins.
Stay out of sight.
[Barks, Growls]
@¤@¤[Violin Strings Plucking]
@@ [Plucking Continues]
I thought the moment
needed something.
Oh, what will become of us?
Your motherwill lose her job,
and we'll have to...
live on the street!
I can't! Don't make me go...
I don't know this world.!
It's dry! It's like...
I can't... It's too...
It's too much!
Would you like to go back
in the toilet?
On second thought,
it's such a beautiful day.
Why spend it indoors?
- Thank you!
- [Gasps]
Okay, kids.
Get out of my way.
This fence is no match
for my cat-like grace and reflexes.
Here we go.
[Neck Muscles,
Knuckles Cracking]
Ow. Okay.
Watch me fly, kids.
[Wheezing Laugh]
[Loud Crash]
I don't think
the little girl's even trying.
What about your
cat-like... reflexes?
What about showing a little effort,
shrimp boat? Now, push!
All right, Nevins.
Time to die.
- [Whimpering]
- Cat, you scared him away!
Dirty hoe.
I'm sorry, baby.
I love you. Hmm.
Come on, Cat.!
There he is!
[Children Shouting]
Happy birthday, Denise.
Everyone I know
is there.
There's Ginny and Alan.
How come Denise didn't
invite me to her birthday?