@ I'm sending Conrad away @
- Oh! Oh!
- [Barking]
I can't believe you whizzed
on my taco!
[Barking Continues]
Wait tillJoan
gets a load of you!
- There they are!
- [Fish] Red light, red light,
red light, red light.!
Red light!
[All Screaming]
- Someone else should drive.
- All right. You win.
you drive.
Are you serious?
I don't know.
A little voice inside of me
is saying, "This is a bad idea,"
but I can barely hear
that little voice...
because an even louder
little voice is screaming,
"Let the 12-year-old drive!"
Now, punch it!
[Imitating Engine]
This is awesome.!
- [Retching]
- [Groans]
- I want to drive.
- I think that's a great idea.
Two people can't drive
at the same time.
You're right.
We should all drive.
[Tires Screeching]
- Cat.! Where are the brakes?
- I'll get them.
I think there's something wrong
with your brakes. When's the
last time you had them checked?
Bad brake.!
One-way street, one-way street,
one-way street, one-way street.!
- [Gasping, Screaming]
- [Truck Horn Honking]
Hey, Rhode Island license plate.
You never see those.
[Horn Honking]
Om. Om.
[Loud Clanging]