Ah... it's my best buddies.
Why don't you join
us for a drink?
We'd be grateful if you could
join us for a ride, sir.
And if I were to say no?
- Just asking.
- Yeah.
Well, we have
no sense of humor.
That's true.
And we're armed.
Thank you.
Dr. Keyes, welcome.
Thank you.
Dr. Zimsky informs us
that you made a
useful contribution
to his investigations,
so he wanted you
to assist him
in the briefing.
That's very generous of you,
Dr. Zimsky.
Science is a selfless business,
dear boy.
Now, why don't you begin,
and I'll fill in
all the difficult bits.
All right, I'll put this
as simply as I can.
Everybody on Earth
is dead in a year.
And let me explain why.
Wrapped around the Earth
is an invisible field of energy.
It's made up of...
electricity and magnetism,
so it's called...
creatively enough...
the electromagnetic field.
It's where we get our magnetic
North Pole and South Pole,
and it protects us
from cosmic radiation.
So this EM field is our friend.
But now...?
But now,
that field is falling apart.
This here.
Does somebody have a can
of air freshener?
Quick and dirty.
The thin skin,
that's the Earth's crust.
That's what we live on.
It's 30 miles thick.
The meat here,
call it the mantle.
And forgetting
all the-the funky transitions,
it's 2,000 miles thick.
The core,
the peach pit in the center...
that's a tricky one.
There's two parts...
the inner core
and the outer core.
Are you following me?
The inner core