lf need to be suffered hardship
l would like to do the
can only pass the examination
l will give you
the good score
A very nice score
lf you would like to
They do over and all
broadcasting station evaluation
Local superior
You think a week inside
have three death penalties
We are simply
to come to rock'n roll
lt is very happy to hear
Our local superior
will really play
Can tell me
you why do this
There is computer insect
l did not notice this
l came out the
point painting
lntelligent origin
of matter he come to do
The death penalty
is a god's law
See eye to eye
The fact is rational
Are all those l do not
like the authority
However New York person
of responsible for no one
Still have another
Will have a federal
the personnel to will
Take the dancing party
that him go to space
l need to change
the examination paper
lf tomorrow you
have the program
l wanted to walk
The eye opens
widely the tail opens
The tail opens