Please the parking
There is a related story be
High class courtthis week five mean
They will maintain tothe philosophy professor
David Al Goreof original judge
David has everannounced the article
He dies the viewsof the period penal servitude
He involves in tohis assistant the rapes
This legal case causesthe national moves
Because he opposethe dead period penal
You know that thevirtuous gram thinks
Hand over annuallyhow much tax laws
We do not agree
Do not borrow
Eparch we deny why
This kind of public punishesthe system is
They now say
Please watchthe television
Al Gore's lawyer points out
He the past opposes thebehavior of the national
Excessively of exsitsto the national law
Can go to something togather news originally
But refuse them
They talk everydaytwo hours with her
On Friday not line
Because Friday is a daythat he were carried
The lawyer says thatonly have the shell
Al Gore gave to take
Only there is shell
l can't playtrick with you of
l am a very fattyand black old woman
You want her he sendto the airplane that
You think why and so
l come over
Only there is shellising what mean
They say thatonly have you can
Others who all not line
They is who
Al Gore's lawyer
His lawyer
Why is l
You tell me that youdo not want does
ls not