The Matrix Revolutions

Is that what you're doing here?
-Rama, please.
-I do not want to be cruel, Kamala.

He may never see another face
for the rest of his life.

I'm sorry.
-You don't have to answer that question.
-No, I don't mind.

The answer is simple.
I love my daughter very much.
I find her to be the most beautiful thing
I have ever seen.

But where we are from,
that is not enough.

Every program that is created
must have a purpose.

If it does not, it is deleted.
I went to the Frenchman
to save my daughter.

-You do not understand.
-I just have never--

Heard a program speak of love.
-lt is a human emotion.
-No, it is a word.

What matters is the connection
the word implies.

I see that you are in love.
Can you tell me what you would give
to hold on to that connection?

Then perhaps the reason you are here is not
so different than the reason I am here.

That's him.
-Get away! Get away from me!
-We don't want trouble.

-Get the hell away from me!
-We need your help.

I can't help you!
No one can help you!
