I got nothing, sir.No sign of Niobe or Ghost.
Nothing but blue pills.
-Should we try to contact them?-Won't matter. My gut says they're down.
-we should start back.-lf that ship can fly, we need it.
I was afraid you'd say that.
Search every pipe, every hole,every crack we know.
Sweep as wide as possible,as fast as possible.
-Lines are crawling with calamari.-The sooner we find them the better.
-Thought you could use something to eat.-Thank you.
Any change?
-How is he?-He's gonna be fine.
At least until he wakes up.
-What do you mean?-Captain has some questions for him.
He'd better have some good answers.
You see these cuts?I think they're self-inflicted.
-why?-VDTs maybe. I don't know.
But like I said,the answer better be good.
Roland, I'd like to run another searchthrough the Matrix.
-For what?-For Neo.
How could he be in the Matrix, sir?He's not plugged in.
Please, for me.
This is what keeps bothering me.
His neural patterns don't readlike someone who's in a coma.
The strange thing is,I see these patterns all the time.
-Where?-On someone jacked in.