The Yes Men

A war in which unbelievably
huge amounts of money

went right down the drain-
and all for textiles.

By the 1860s, the South
was utterly flush with cash.

It had recently benefited
from the cotton gin...

an invention that took
the seeds out of cotton

and the South
out of its pre-industrial past.

Hundreds of thousands ofworkers
previously unemployed
in their countries of origin

were given useful jobs in textiles.
Into this rosy picture of freedom
and boom stepped-you guessed it...

the North.
Now, some Civil War apologists have said
that the Civil War, for all its faults,

at least had the effect of outlawing
an involuntarily imported
workforce model of work.

Now, this model is, of course,
a terrible thing.

I myself am an abolitionist.
But, in fact, there is no doubt
that, left to their own devices,

markets would've eventually replaced
slavery with cleaner sources of labor.

To prove my point,
please join me

on what Albert Einstein used to call
a thought experiment.

Suppose involuntarily imported labor
had never been outlawed.

That slaves still existed,
and that it were easy to own one.

What do you think it would cost today
to profitably maintain a slave,

say, here in Tampere?
Let's see...a finished clothing set
costs $50 at the very least.

Two meals from McDonald's
cost about $10.00.

The cheapest small room
probably runs for about $250 a month.

To function well, you have to pay
for your slave's health care.

If its country of origin was polluted,
for example, that might run expensively.

And, of course, what with
child labor laws here in Finland,

much of the youth market
is simply not available.

Now leave the same slave
back at home. Let's say Gabon.

In Gabon, $10 pays
for two weeks of food.

$250 pays for two years
of housing, not a month, at best.

$50 pays for a lifetime
of budget clothing.

And health care is,
of course, cheaper.

On top of it all...youth can be
gainfully employed without restriction.
