1 8-Mile Fortress is east of here.
So why are we heading north?
The road east is full of Turks
and bandits. There's no way through.
And all we've got is this little monk
who just prays all day long.
Pray for some better luck for me,
will you?
We'll go north first...
...where there's water and pasture.
We can rest there.
-And hire some swordsmen.
-Hire? But...
...how much will that cost?
How much is your life worth?
You want the one
they call Butcher Li.
One of his old deputies, One-Eye Cao,
lives at Western Lake.
He came to town last year
to sell an ox.
I have to go.
I leave Wen Zhu in your charge.
There are too many bandits around.
I'll look after her.