Sir Lai Xi was my father's friend.
He was an imperial agenton a secret mission.
Whilst studying at court,you've won our favor.
We entrust to you...
...the mission of eliminating...
...fugitives in the western regions.
This will also be a final testof your skill.
Fulfill this mission and wemay allow you to return home.
The emperor bestowed on himthe imperial sword...
...and with it the powerover life and death.
Sir Lai Xi has arrived!
He wasn't a man of the Tang.He'd come here from Japan.
Whenever he appearedat Frontier Pass...
...it was only to rush offsomewhere else.
Father said Sir Lai Xiwished to go home.
But the emperornever granted him permission.
Instead, he sent him here...
... to bring fugitives to justice.
He's been on this mission herein the wilderness for 1 0 years now.
Dear Mother:Today I reached Frontier Pass.
It's my new basefor carrying out my mission.
General Wen, who's in charge here...
...says the emperorwill send me home soon.
I've been in this countryfor 25 years...
...but my heart is in my homeland.