Uncles, my deepest gratitude!
Take 1 0 camels
and hurry to Bitter Well.
Use all your guile.
Let them think
we were there looking for water...
...and are now forced to
head to 1 8-Mile Fortress.
-Poison two camels at the well.
-Where is the poison?
-Master An already poisoned the well.
-We'll meet at the usual place.
-Yes, sir!
-What do we do then?
We've got two roads left.
One to the north, one to the east.
At 1 8-Mile Fortress
imperial couriers will be waiting for us.
But the Turks and the bandits
might have killed us all already.
The relics will fall into their hands.
East of the desert lies an isolated fort.
-It's 1 0 days' travel from here.
-But without water we'll never make it.
There's an underground river
in the desert.
-I stumbled on it 1 1 years ago.
-That's bullshit!
-Now isn't the time to tell stories!
-Really! I've seen it!
It saved our lives.
I don't think he's kidding.
-Did you drink from it yourself?
-I did!
And you're sure
you can find it again?
If you trust me...
-...I'm willing to bet my life on it.
-You're on!