this is Just about the math .
He was having an affair.
CaIifornia's a no-fauIt state.
His attorney indicated
your husband
wouId prefer an aIimony buy-out.
Since you two were Iiving
rather modestIy,
I don't think
the number shouId be too bad .
They're probabIy taIking about
something Iike $200,000.
I don't have that money.
UnfortunateIy, you do.
The house?
Its vaIue went through the roof
since you bought it.
And renovated it
with my mother's money.
WeII , it's aII
community property now.
So he gets
haIf the house and aIimony.
There's Ieeway, and we'II make
aII the arguments we can .
But there is a bargaining chip.
He wants the house.
-He wants to keep Iiving there?
-Yeah .
And if you Iet him have it,
you couId end up with
a Iot of money in your pocket.
I understand he wants it
pretty badIy.
I'm sorry.
This is so surreaI .
How wouId he even find the money
to buy me out of my haIf?
Oh .
ApparentIy, she Iikes the pIace.
It's near the right schooIs.
She's. . .
You're gonna get over this.
You wiII , Frances.
you're gonna be happy again .