Pretty awesome, isn't it?
Yes, I think you couId say that.
Pretty awesome.
God , how am I gonna get
through aII of these?
I mean , how do you begin
to describe aII of this?
If you have a pen ,
I couId write it for you .
Are you a good writer?
I used to be.
AII right.
WeII , have a go.
To my mom .
Dear Mom .
Dear Mom,
It'S market day in Cortona,
The piazza iS an ongoing party,
and everyone iS invited,
CIiCheS Converge
at thiS naveI of the worId,
You aImoSt want to Iaugh,
but you Can't heIp feeIing
theSe ItaIianS know more
about having fun than we do,
I eat a hot grape
from the market,
and the vioIet SweetneSS
breakS open in my mouth,
It even SmeIIS purpIe,
I wiSh I CouId Stay Ionger, but
the beII remindS me of time,
''Ding-dang-dong, '' the beII
SayS, inStead of ''ding-dong, ''
-I wiSh you were here,
-Love. . .