And her?
How much wiII she pay?
We'II see.
Is it reaIIy doubIe the price?
I can't pay doubIe the price.
But pIease teII the contessa
that this is what I got for
my house recentIy in doIIars.
Minus the work on the pIace.
Hammers, buckets.
Men .
And a rentaI car
to drive off a cIiff
when this aII turns out
to have been a terribIe mistake.
That's what I can pay.
You've not even seen the house.
Oh .
WeII .
WeII , I . . .
I can't go back
to San Francisco.
I'm sorry, Signora,
The contessa's famiIy Iived here
for generations,
so understandabIy it is
very difficuIt for her to seII .
Money is not the onIy issue.
She needs --
A sign .
I understand .
I beIieve in signs, too.
WeII , thank you .
Thank you .
Oh !
What did she say?
In ItaIy, what happened to you
is a very good sign .