-So, what's the pIace Iike?
-It needs a IittIe work.
-WeII , who's gonna do it?
-I am .
You are?
I never reaIized
you were so handy.
I can do things.
Remember, I fixed that drain?
The drain in your kitchen?
No, that was me.
I handed you the rubber thingy.
The pIunger?
That was Tom .
I can't beIieve it.
Why did you Just say his name?
I'm sorry.
I forgot. I'm sorry.
I can make this work.
You know?
Of course I didn't mean I was
gonna do aII the work myseIf.
I can hire the descendents
of Roman gods
to do the heavy Iifting .
Then , Just supervise,
teII them what to do.
So, have you met him yet?
-The guy you're gonna meet.
Patti , pIease.
You know what?
It's starting to rain here
a IittIe bit.
-So I think I have to go now.
-Wait, Fran .
I want you to kiss
the beIIy for me.
Can you Star-69 ItaIy?
I'm gonna try.
One 1 ,000,