CzesIaw MiIosz.
I Iike him .
CzesIaw MiIosz.
It iS onIy naturaI getting to
know peopIe ShouId take time,
Every day I watCh for
the oId man with the fIowerS,
And I wonder, waS he born here?
Did he Iove Someone here?
Did he IoSe Someone here?
He doeSn't Seem aS CuriouS
about me, but that'S aII right,
TheSe dayS, I'm Something
of a Ioner mySeIf,
I'm pretty good
at Staying entertained,
MoStIy, I Iike to hang out
at a bar I know
ConvenientIy IoCated
in my baCkyard,
FortunateIy, there are thingS
here you Can't do aIone,
It'S my neighbor PIaCido who'S
teaChing me about oIiveS,
Today is okay.
But never pick
when it's wet, huh?
These Iook good .
Oh , my God .
-I'm finished .
-Good . Gather up the net.
Go and see
if Gianni needs some heIp.