She cries aII day.
Are we ceIebrating
something in particuIar?
Gratitude to the saints
for saving us
from droughts, mad dogs,
and gIanduIar disorders.
Good evening , everybody.
Sorry I'm Iate.
Hand me your hat.
Do you Iike it?
I suppose it wasn't a terribIe
idea, buying a viIIa.
Are you up there aII aIone?
No Iord and master, no consort?
Do you have one?
One? Ha!
I knew this wouId happen .
Don't bIame me.
I toId him not to get her
that computer.
She got an e-maiI Iover,
you see, from Ecuador.
FinaIIy, she had to
teII him her age.
No maiI !
You had it coming .
You're wrong .
I hurt in my heart.
Even though I'm oId ,
my heart stiII aches.
I'm so sorry.
No. I mean . . .
WeII , actuaIIy, I have to admit
it has been a whiIe.
''CeIibe'' in ItaIian
means ''singIe.''
He's not asking
when you Iast had sex.
He's asking whether or not
you're married .
Thank you .
No, I'm not.
-Everything aII right, darIing?
-Oh , terrific. I'm Just eating .