He is.
Oh , my God .
-I feeI Iike such an idiot.
FIirting's a rituaI in ItaIy.
Just enJoy it.
Taste this.
It's gorgeous.
Mmm !
-How do you do it?
-Do what?
WeII , hats make me happy.
And ice cream .
Ice cream changed my fate.
It was because of ice cream
that my beIoved Fefe
discovered me.
II MaeStro,
Federico, darIing .
He discovered me in the
Piazza Novena with my parents
eating an ice cream .
I was gobbIing it down ,
Ietting it run aII over my chin
because I was hungry.
''Do you Iike ice cream?''
he asked me.
I didn't know who he was.
I was 1 6.
''You are my imagination
come to Iife,'' he toId me.
He wasn't Just a great director.
He gave great advice.
I'm Iistening .
Fefe said you have to Iive
sphericaIIy in many directions.
Never Iose
your chiIdish enthusiasm ,
and things wiII come your way.
So now I waS getting poSthumouS
adviCe from II MaeStro,
and I tried to foIIow it
by puIIing ivy,
and with ChiIdiSh enthuSiaSm,
Oh , my God .
Niente qui,
Not here.