I think you're right.
PIease stop being so sad .
If you continue Iike this,
I wiII be forced
to make Iove to you .
And I've never been unfaithfuI
to my wife.
Buonanotte, Signora,
Buonanotte, Signor Martini .
A train traCk through the AIpS
before there waS a train,
Signor Martini wantS me
to have faith,
Something I've never been good
at, and now I'm even worSe at,
Not that I don't want faith,
I'm jeaIouS of the beIieverS,
But aS a faIIen-away MethodiSt,
I do not expeCt to emerge
from aII of thiS a CathoIiC,
aIthough I admit Some
interior juggIing iS going on,
To my SurpriSe, I have beCome
friendIy with Mary,
It Started the night She Stood
by me through the Storm,
knowing fuII weII
I'm not a CathoIiC,
Yet, Somehow, She SeemS more
Iike Mary, my favorite aunt,
than Santa Maria,
Aunt Mary iS everywhere here,
her CaIm preSenCe aSSuring uS
that aII thingS wiII go on
aS they have before,
( Singing ''Adeste FideIis'' )