Gee, why hadn't
I thought of that?
There ComeS a time
in every remodeIer'S Iife
when one doeSn't want
any more heIpfuI adviCe,
There ComeS a time when you
no Ionger want Shaky guyS
Staring at you thinking
God knowS what,
whiSpering thingS in PoIiSh
you're reaIIy gIad
you don't underStand,
There'S onIy So muCh you Can
take before there ComeS a time
when you juSt have to get out,
You are American?
EngIish? Irish?
There you are.
I've been Iooking for you .
You said you were gonna meet me.
I've been Iooking for you
for 20 minutes.
-Who are you?
-I'm sorry.
Wait. You Just kissed me
and you're going?
I'm sorry.