I am surprised .
What brings you to Positano?
We're going to be Iate.
One moment, darIing .
I'II be right there.
I came at a bad time.
Francesca, wait.
Wait. Wait!
I'm sorry you're hurt.
But what did you expect?
What did I expect?
You came to BramasoIe.
You Ieft that note.
I thought that you . . .
Just a minute.
Months ago,
we had a beautifuI affair.
And if you think I wanted more
of you after that, you're right.
Because I did , of course.
You're a fantastic woman ,
But we were never abIe
to come together again ,
even though we tried .
And this sort of thing
must come naturaIIy.
I toId you .
There was my friend .
She was going to have a baby.
There were many,
many other things.
Important things you had to do.
And you couIdn't wait.
Don't worry, Francesca.
Don't worry.
There is nothing to regret.
Do you regret this?
I don't. . .
There is someone for you ,