Washington Heights

Viejo, you know
she ain't gonna pay you, right?

What do you care?
I mean she's been coming in here

for 12 years.
If you divide 98 by 12,
it makes $8 a year
for her loyalty.

Then throw in Señora Rodríguez,
Señora Salcedo, Señora García--

Son, we have to have
the sense of the community.

That's very important.
- Tito understands that, right?
- Claro.

Tito understands everything.

You're a day late!

Hey, Miss Mercedes.
Miss Mercedes! Ah-ah-ah!

I need you at the other building.
- Can I clean up first?
- Later.

What's the fucking rush?
I told you we have to get these
windows in by the end of the month.

Why are these cans
in with the newspapers?

Didn't we have
this conversation before?

- I posted notices on every floor.
- That's not enough.

At the end of the day,
you're responsible, not the tenant.

My man!
What's happening?

- Maggie, my buddy Mickey.
- What's up?

- Mickey... and Daisy.
- Daisy: Fuck you...!

Daisy, what's happening?
This is Berna.
She draws comics, too.

Hi, it's called
"Little Coffin Annie."

It's Victorian
necrophilia pornography.

- I've got to go to the girls' room.
- Daisy: I'll come with you.
