Is it popping yet?
- Yeah!- All right.
By the way, I got a lineon that apartment I told you about.
It's beautiful, man.You should check it out.
- Where is it at?- On Ninth Street, between B and C.
Man:Carlos, can I see you a minute?
I've been going overyour drawings.
- What do you think?- Good.
They remind me a littleof Tommy Cashman.
Tommy Cashman? Holy fuck.That dude draws some slick shit.
How long have you beenworking on these?
About a year. Can you show theseto your friend at Gotham Comics?
I can... but I'm not going to.
But you just said they were good.
So is "The Hulk,"but I don't have to like it.
Your drawingsare technically fine,
but it just shows that you cancopy well, and they've got no soul.
I've known you for two years,
we've had a hundred conversations-- aboutcomics.
You are a passionate dudewith deep ideas,
so I'm looking at this and thinking,"ls this all you've got to say?"
Aliens from Jupiter want to enslavethe women of the Earth?
You dumb motheftucker.
Cans go in the blue,green is for paper.
- What's going on?- I ain't touching those hands.
How did it go this morning?
David totally dug my shit, man.