Throw that shit away.
He ain't dead.
Carlos: Hey, hey, hey!
Hey kids, kids!
Kids, take it outside
with the water.
Take it outside with the water!
Go. Hey, take it outside
with the water.
- "Regular."
- Okay, "Regular."
Ay, no.
Dame "Lights."
You still need 30¢.
- I'll pay you back.
- Ah, señora, sorry.
- No more loans.
- But Eddie said...
Forget Eddie, doña.
No money. No loans. Entiende?
Have a good day!
Why don't you clean up
the back or something?
Okay, "Boss"!
Ay, coño!
- She's crazy!
- Let's take him back up, guys.
You see, she's speaking
in tongues!
Cuidado, coño! Cuidado, carajo!
Let's go!
- Anybody listening to me?
- Eddie: Let's go. To the left.
That's it. Yeah!
Sean: You did a good job
on the building, son.
You know the tournament?
You know the bowling tournament
in Vegas?