You just lay there, bro'.
You let the breeze hit your face.
You're chillin'
with your boxers off,
and the wind
kissing your balls...
Maggie: Darlene is only asking
for 600 a month.
Angel: Guess how much
she's getting? Zero dollars.
The thing of it is,
that bitch rats me out,
I'm as good
as back in lockup.
That's why
I don't trust nobody.
That's why I don't get no mail
at my house,
- I ain't got money in no bank.
- He's got over 40 grand hidden.
- Maggie, what the fuck?!
- Why don't you give Carlos money?
- ¿Tú estás loca?
- As a loan to get back the bodega.
- Maggie!
- This could be a way out of here.
You heard what he said,
he needs that money.
You were gonna give me that money
to open my own space.
Shut the fuck up,
you're family.
Carlos isn't family?
He'll pay you back.
It's my business,
I can take care of it, okay?
People buggin' out
around me today. Later, bro'.
You got a big fucking mouth,
and I ain't got no money.
Where did you put them?
Where'd you put them?
I'm tired of your fucking
bullshit game, viejo.
Where are
my fucking drawings?
I should be the one
that would be making
the questions here.
How many gallons of milk
did you deliver today?