People buggin' out
around me today. Later, bro'.
You got a big fucking mouth,
and I ain't got no money.
Where did you put them?
Where'd you put them?
I'm tired of your fucking
bullshit game, viejo.
Where are
my fucking drawings?
I should be the one
that would be making
the questions here.
How many gallons of milk
did you deliver today?
How many cases
of aguacate? Yuca?
- Plátanos? Café?
- I don't fucking know.
That's what you should be
worrying about.
Where are
my drawings, man?
Maybe I burned them.
Maybe I threw them
in the Hudson.
Maybe I broke them
in pieces like this.
What are you gonna do
about it, huh?
What are you going to do
about it?
You're wasting
your time, Carlos.
The gringos are not going to print your
fucking drawings!
Carlos: I want you to tell me
what you see.
I can't see, Carlos.
I don't have my glasses.
You can see. You don't want to see.
Tell me what you see!