- You never gonna believe it.
- What?
- You've got to guess.
- I don't know. You won the lotto?
- I asked Daisy to marry me.
- Get the fuck outta here!
I asked her to marry me
and she said yes.
I am high as a motheftucker
right now.
Dude, do you know
what you're doing?
Of course I know.
I know I say shit sometimes,
but that's just me being stupid.
I'm getting fucking married, bro'.
all right then, well, shit!
We should celebrate.
I have no champagne, so here...
this will have to do.
Here you go.
Drink away, man!
When is the big day?
All right.
You know that I like...
there's this bowling tournament
in Las Vegas, I wanted to go to,
so I figure...
I'll just take care
of everything at once.
Like, I got a thousand dollars
saved up already,
all I need is like...
4,000 more dollars.
Please, don't ask me
for money, bro'.
- Not from you, from the store.
- I can't do it, man.
You told me the other day
how much you're taking in a week.
- You don't understand.
- I'll pay you back.
- It's not that.
- Then, what?
- There's some shit you don't know.
- What? What I don't know?
Right now,
for all intents and purposes,
your father
owns la bodega.
- Get the fuck out of here!
- Mickey, I ain't fucking around.
Why do you think
I took over the store?
- You think I want to run this?
- No, but your papá...