remember when you were talking
about moving downtown?
- Carlos: Um-hmm.
- Maggie: Maybe we should do that.
- Say what?
- I mean, after Eddie gets better,
- and things straighten out with Sean.
- That could take some time.
- We're like a team, right?
- Yeah.
Like Paul and Belkis.
Yeah. About me?
What, Darlene?
You learned that word yesterday?
Fuck you, Darlene,
all right?
- What's up, Angel?
- Pon la luz aquí también.
- Deja la luz.
- This bitch, bro'.
Trying to convince me
she wasn't with some other nigga--
- Can't this wait until later?
- No, it can't wait!
That bitch is trying to take money
out of my fist.
That's it!
Out. Get out!
Wait. Darlene's busting you
for child's support?
She's trying to tell me this Chinese-eyed
motheftucker is my kid.
- Angel: That's bullshit!
- Un plato, and that's it.
Shitty day, man.
How is your kid
in Santo Domingo doing?
What, Junior?
My real kid?
Good, man. I can't wait.
Save my money,
soon as I get my 60 Gs,
getting the fuck outta here.
Go back to the D.R.,
live with him and Carmen.
I'm gonna open me
a bike shop.
Stay with my tío in Baitoa,
just till I get hooked up.
He got a farm, and when you're done
working all day,
you go lay on this hammock,
next to the pond.