- Do you want me to fail?
- No.
You want these boys
to fail?
What have you got
to say to them?
I'm sorry.
- Say it again.
- I'm sorry.
Say it
till you mean it!
Say it!
I'm sorry.
- [ Crying Softly ]
- [ Door Opens ]
Want me to put
some more hot in?
- No.
- [ Water Runs ]
You can get sick
sitting in a cold bath.
- What if he fails, Nanny?
- Then he fails.
- What will happen to him?
- Nothing will happen...
except me thinking about that divorce.
It's not Koro's fault, Nanny.
What's not his fault?
Sounds like his fault to me.
Not that I'm a girl.
Not you, Hemi.