I saw Paolo.
We found your pills.
We know you're sick.
Shut up about me.
Tell me what you know about the scum.
We think that Van Camp
blackmailed his predecessor,
Jean de Haeck.
It's about children.
Who else is involved?
The baron?
If I give you dynamite,
will you keep it covered up
or will you let it blow?
It will blow.
- Can I believe you?
Is that tracer connected well?
Can I believe you?
- No outside line?
It's an inside line.
He's in here.
Ledda. Telephone.
A beer?
- I'm here for work.
Sit down, Freddy.
I thought you
preferred being alone in a bar.
I am alone, ain't I?
- You've got me, don't you?