Kdykoliv si vzpomenu na Lisu,nemyslím na to, co jedla, jak se oblíkala,
kde pracovala, odkud byladokonce ani na to co øíkala.
Myslím na její vùni, její chu.
Na její kùi jak se dotýkala mé.
Poprvé jsem ji potkal
...v Brixton Academy.
Jedna, dva, tøi
You want a part of me
You want the whole thing
You want to feelsomething more than I could ever bring
You want it badlyYou want it tangled
I want to feel something more
than I was strangledI fell in love
with the sweet sensation
I gave my heartto a simple chord
I gave my soulto a new religion
Whatever happened to you?
Whatever happened to our
rock and roll?
Whatever happened to my rock'n'roll?
She wants it hallow
She wants it tainted
She wants to feel somethingmore than she was naked
You want to hide awayYou're scared to touch it
I want to feel something more than
I care to take. I fell in lovewith the sweet sensation