Code 46
I think about the day we met.
I suppose you arrived par avion.
Maybe you were the firstto get to security.
You didn't intend to stay.
You only had 24 hour coverageso only carry-ons.
And they probably hada driver waiting
so you didn't have to finda car.
You'd never been to Shanghai before,it was all new to you.
How do people live out here?
It's not living, just existing.
- You ever liveafuera?- No.
Can I have your cover please?
Candies, sherbet fountains,cigarettes, batteries, hair cuts.
- Hair cuts? Never seen that before!- I'll show you.
- Give me two sherbet fountains.- Two sherbet fountains.
Take me in, mister. I can do haircuts.I'm wasted out here.
You got a spare cover?
I only cover for one.
- I'm sorry.- You want to swap places with me?
- You?- I wear the suit, you wear this.
It's tempting! Good luck.
- What's your name?- Nabil.
I don't think it's a good ideato encourage them.