Okay, first question.
You do actually go to
North Valley High School, right?
- Of course.
- Look, I'm just checking.
I mean, you never know
with the Internet.
Okay, next question.
Were you disappointed when you
found out that I was Nomad?
- Be honest.
- Surprisingly, no.
Did you vote for me for
student body president?
- Surprisingly, yes.
- Really?
Okay, I got it. Given the choice...
...would you rather have a rice cake
or a Big Mac?
- A Big Mac. But what does that matter?
- Well, I like a girl with a hearty appetite.
And besides, you just eliminated about
50 percent of the girls in our class.
You'd think I'd remember those eyes.
You're so beautiful.
Next question.
What's up, girl?
- What are you supposed to be?
- A Three Musketeer.
- You don't look like a candy bar.
- Right.
Look, now that you
and Austin are toast...
...okay, why don't we
have our own little party.
- Back off, David.
- Come on, Shelby. I know you like me.
- No. Stop it. No.
- I know... I know it.
- No, stop it. Stop.
- Come on.
The lady said, "Stop."
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Give me that!
- Oh, God.
I just saw your life flash
before your eyes.
Oh, yeah? Well, did you see the part
where I run away?
- That was awesome.
- Oh, you're dead, taco boy!
- You're mine!
- Move over, please.