Next question.
What's up, girl?
- What are you supposed to be?
- A Three Musketeer.
- You don't look like a candy bar.
- Right.
Look, now that you
and Austin are toast...
...okay, why don't we
have our own little party.
- Back off, David.
- Come on, Shelby. I know you like me.
- No. Stop it. No.
- I know... I know it.
- No, stop it. Stop.
- Come on.
The lady said, "Stop."
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Give me that!
- Oh, God.
I just saw your life flash
before your eyes.
Oh, yeah? Well, did you see the part
where I run away?
- That was awesome.
- Oh, you're dead, taco boy!
- You're mine!
- Move over, please.
- It's over, dude.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Well, I hate to tell you this, dude...
...but I starred in Pirates of Penzance
three times.
- Oh, yeah?
- Say hello to act two, scene one.
If I ask you to dance,
does that count as a question?
There's no music.