And l'm a chronic
l've been sober
only two weeks now.
l'm Sylvia
and l've hit bottom.
...day in and day out.
Finally someone reported me
to a security guard and l was arrested.
- l would hope so.
- We don't judge others here, madam.
Progress, not perfection.
Sex addicts,
your meetings are my life.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Halt, hungry, angry,
lonely, tired...
All this yelling is giving me
a ''Swedish headache.''
you know what l mean?
This woman is crazy.
Nothing's the matter with ''beating
the beaver'' once in a while.
Hello, l'm Paige
and l am a sex addict.
l'm Sylvia
and l can't control
my... ''axis of evil.''
let me be your sponsor,
Thank you.
l'm so ashamed.
- Admit to God-- you are a whore.
- l'm a whore.
Make a list of all
the people you've fucked
and apologize
to their parents.
My name
is Mr. Pay Day.
- And l'm here for a little scat chat.
- Thank you.
A pay day is an unflushed turd,
hence my name.
l used to defecate
in public restrooms
up and down Harford Road
- and never flush the toilet.
- That was him?
But my life of turd abuse
didn't stop there, oh no.
l started doing
''upper deckers''--
shitting in the top tank
of the toilet,
where no one would ever look
to find the odor.
l can certainly
judge that.
- Progress, not perfection.
- Thank you.
Thank you,
it really means a lot.
Hi, my name is Caprice
and l am a sex addict.