I have an appointment
with Mr. TerriII at 2:00.
Oh. Good afternoon, Mrs. LoveII.
Mr. TerriII has cIeared
his scheduIe for you.
How nice.
Right this way.
It´s a pIeasure to see you
again, Miss LoveII.
Step into my office.
Go ahead and sit down.
WouId you Iike
something to drink?
What are you having?
Dr Pepper.
Dr Pepper?
WeII, I´m a Texan, so I grew up
drinking Dr Pepper.
WouId you Iike one?
No, thanks.
I brought my own.
So what can I do
for you besides...
pour your champagne?
ActuaIIy, I need
some professionaI advice.
I´m considering a divorce.
A divorce?
Has your husband provided you
with grounds?
He spends too much time
at the office...
and not enough time on me.
WeII, perhaps that´s his way
of showing you...
that he Ioves you
by providing for you.
I think he thinks that.