A Killer Within

Go ahead and sit down.
WouId you Iike
something to drink?

What are you having?
Dr Pepper.
Dr Pepper?
WeII, I´m a Texan, so I grew up
drinking Dr Pepper.

WouId you Iike one?
No, thanks.
I brought my own.

So what can I do
for you besides...

pour your champagne?
ActuaIIy, I need
some professionaI advice.

I´m considering a divorce.
A divorce?
Has your husband provided you
with grounds?

He spends too much time
at the office...

and not enough time on me.
WeII, perhaps that´s his way
of showing you...

that he Ioves you
by providing for you.

I think he thinks that.
Mrs. LoveII, I´m
a corporate defense Iitigator.

I´m not a famiIy Iaw speciaIist.
Did you know that your tie
compIements your eyes?

Thank you.
My wife got me this tie.
She has good taste.
I think so.
I wasn´t referring to the tie.
I´m sorry.
What were we discussing?

My husband.
I don´t Iike being ignored.
He ignores me.
I find it hard to beIieve
that anybody couId ignore you.

Oh. Thank you. Cheers.
Don´t you think you´ve had
enough of that, Mrs. LoveII?

Why don´t you join me?
You know...
