Mrs. LoveII, I´m
a corporate defense Iitigator.
I´m not a famiIy Iaw speciaIist.
Did you know that your tie
compIements your eyes?
Thank you.
My wife got me this tie.
She has good taste.
I think so.
I wasn´t referring to the tie.
I´m sorry.
What were we discussing?
My husband.
I don´t Iike being ignored.
He ignores me.
I find it hard to beIieve
that anybody couId ignore you.
Oh. Thank you. Cheers.
Don´t you think you´ve had
enough of that, Mrs. LoveII?
Why don´t you join me?
You know...
I don´t drink aIcohoI.
Why not?
It´s a great anesthetic.
Perhaps that´s why.
I´m afraid...
I might Iike it too much.
What eIse are you afraid of,
Mr. TerriII?
I´m a married man, Mrs. LoveII.
-HappiIy, I presume.
I have a four-year-oId son.
So something must turn you on.
I Iike a woman
that wears perfume.
Does your wife wear perfume?
Very expensive,
$600-an-ounce perfume?
I don´t know.
Does she wear it
between her Iegs?