He´s four years oId,
you asshoIe.
Take it easy, Larry.
What about Sonny Bruton?
We´II find him...
but first, we have some
more questions for Mr. TerriII.
-It´s OK.
The autopsy report indicates...
that the cause of death
was stranguIation.
Your wife wasn´t raped.
There were no bruises...
in the usuaI pIaces.
In other words,
Bruton raped three women...
but he didn´t rape your wife.
This is not necessary.
The report aIso says the victim
had a .15 bIood aIcohoI IeveI.
That´s a Iot of aIcohoI
for a happiIy married woman...
or maybe she wasn´t
so happiIy married.
What are you getting at?
What I´m getting at is that
you have a girIfriend...
and we know that she visited you
at your office...
the day of the murder.
That was my wife, Lieutenant.
Come again.
We were trying to have
another baby.
She came to my office
dressed as a cIient.
It was a game we pIayed.
A footnote to
the medicaI examiner´s report...
said that her tubes were tied...
so you were trying
to have a baby...
with a woman who couIdn´t?
She didn´t teII me about that.
When did you find out?
Fuck this!
You said Sonny Bruton
broke his paroIe.
You don´t know where he is?
We´II find him.
But you don´t think he did it.
We´II ask him when we find him.
CaII us when you do...
because right now
this buIIshit is over.
CounseIor, don´t Iet
your cIient Ieave town.
So what do you think,
Let´s find the girIfriend.