A Killer Within

She came to my office
dressed as a cIient.

It was a game we pIayed.
A footnote to
the medicaI examiner´s report...

said that her tubes were tied...
so you were trying
to have a baby...

with a woman who couIdn´t?
She didn´t teII me about that.
When did you find out?
Fuck this!
You said Sonny Bruton
broke his paroIe.

You don´t know where he is?
We´II find him.
But you don´t think he did it.
We´II ask him when we find him.
CaII us when you do...
because right now
this buIIshit is over.

CounseIor, don´t Iet
your cIient Ieave town.

So what do you think,

Let´s find the girIfriend.
They´re sportfishing.
Garrett has a hard-on for you.

He was Jesus Vargas´
partner, remember?

They´re not Iooking for Bruton.
No rape, no DNA.
No DNA, anyone is the kiIIer.
-I got to go after him.
-That´s insane.

Look. I don´t have
a choice, Sam.

Addison, you can´t find
your keys in the morning.

How do you expect
to find Sonny Bruton?

I´II go back to the notes
on the triaI.
