Bruton decides to break
through the window.
He grabs your kid,
your wife comes running in--
Wait. My wife had .15
bIood aIcohoI IeveI.
Point 1-5? Oh, shit, man.
She was drunk.
That´s right.
So she didn´t come rushing
into the kitchen...
but the aIarm has to be
turned off in fifteen seconds.
Otherwise, it Iights up
the neighborhood.
They were both in the kitchen.
He takes your son,
and he uses him...
to force her
to turn off the aIarm...
and then he hurts
Christopher anyway.
Maybe he couIdn´t quite kiII him
because Becky´s there.
Maybe he got nervous
trying to kiII a kid.
That´s new ground for him.
Was Becky forced to watch?
I´m sorry, man. We´II come
back to it Iater, aII right?
So he picks her up,
he carries her to the bedroom.
He gets her on the bed,
and he ties her to the bed...
with her bath robe sash.
He strangIes her
with the stocking...
he ties the other one
around her ankIe...
then takes the one he used
as a trophy...
and kiIIs her,
but he doesn´t rape her...
takes the crayon
and writes that.
Jesus Christ.
But he doesn´t go back
for the kid.