Was Becky forced to watch?
I´m sorry, man. We´II come
back to it Iater, aII right?
So he picks her up,
he carries her to the bedroom.
He gets her on the bed,
and he ties her to the bed...
with her bath robe sash.
He strangIes her
with the stocking...
he ties the other one
around her ankIe...
then takes the one he used
as a trophy...
and kiIIs her,
but he doesn´t rape her...
takes the crayon
and writes that.
Jesus Christ.
But he doesn´t go back
for the kid.
Why not?
How are we gonna find
Sonny Bruton...
if the cops can´t do it?
Don´t worry.
We´II find him.
Oh, shit.
Sam, put that gun down
before you shoot somebody.
Where the heII is your car?
You don´t want to know.
I´ve been trying to get you
on your ceII phone.
Shit. I turned it off
at the hospitaI.
Garrett is over at the house.
He´s got a sociaI worker,
and they´re taIking
to Christopher.
The heII he is.