
l see.
- It seems we have lift-off.
- It seems we do.

What a relief.
Well, l mean, if he can give me
a stiffy, l should have no problem

keeping it up for the target
demographic, shouldn't l?

Well, there doesn't appear
to be anything physiologically wrong,

so, in short, we can be
fairly certain your problem

- was simply stress-related.
- Translation: Julie-related.

Like l always say, if they don't get you
one way, they'll get you another.

- l did feel something a little kooky.
- Kooky?

There is nothing to get upset about,
Mr Elkins.

l thought l felt a lump...
...on your penis.
But with any luck, it will be nothing.
The words "lump" and "penis"
in the same sentence.

There's something
you don't hear every day.

And so young Alfred
got an early Yuletide gift.

A penis biopsy.
l get my test results in three days--
Well, five.

Five counting the weekend.
Oh, Lord. Oh, Lord.

How am l gonna stop myself
going completely bonkers?

I’ll be fine.
I’ll be fine.
I’m a young man.
Shift focus, Alfie. Shift--
Let's go, kids. Let's go.
Move along, children.
Look straight ahead.

Come on. Do not look at the man.
Look straight ahead.

In the meantime, perhaps I’m safer
hobbling on home.
