You're lucky, you know.
l rarely allow anyone into my flat.
l know, l know, l know.
Humble digs.
Not exactly what you'd calla "panty peeler. "
Do you know what l mean?
But it suits me just fine.
To be honest, l rarely spend a nightin my own bed anyway.
You see, here's my theory:
For most women, if a guy'sa good provider
and generally a nice chap, six-packabs really aren't a deal-breaker.
On the flip side, however,
even though the PC boyfriendsat next to you
with his arm slung aroundyour shoulder will deny it--
And he will deny it. For us boys,it's all about F.B.B.
Face. Boobs. Bum.
Im just being honest.
It's been said that clothesspeak the international language.
And l have to admit,I'm a bit of a fashion whore.
Unfortunately, today Ive got work,and l have to tone it down a little bit,
but that's all right. Gucci.End-of-summer sale.
Very understated.And l can easily spice it up with...
What? No, no. l knowwhat you are thinking.
lf you ooze masculinity,like some of us do,
you have no reason to fear pink.Smashing.
Now, in the cologne department,most men overdo it.
Americans practically spray it onwith a crop-duster.
My rule: Nothing above the neck,
though l do like a little splashon Big Ben.
You never knowwhere the day may take you.
Almost forgot.
New word for the day.
"Ostentatious: The attemptto attract attention to oneself."