"Uh-oh, iceberg ahead."
With Nikki, that was
the first of many...
...uh-oh moments.
It began with petty arguments.
Followed by random bouts
of melancholia.
Major highs and manic lows.
This girl never knows
when she's had one too many.
And there had been constant displays
of erratic, reckless behaviour.
And thank you, no.
No, l did not have insurance.
But whenever l begin to feel
there's little reason to go on,
Im reminded that we still have
one very major thing in common.
lf only she didn't insist
on smoking before,
and during.
What time are you gonna
be home, honey?
Hear that?
"What time are you gonna
be home, honey?"
That's dangerously close
to wife-speak to me.
Because Im making something
really special for din-din.
Ill call later.
Listen, are you sure you don't
think that colour's a little bit intense?
- l think you're a little bit intense.
- Careful,
because you've got paint
all over your hands.
Plus, you're wearing my favourite shirt
to paint the house in, Nik. Don't--
Sorry, baby.
l gotta run.
No, Ive gotta run.
l bet that l can make it
worth your while to stay.
Im sure you can. But you know what?
Ive got that meeting.
- Haven't l?
- Yeah.