- Grab the stuff from the trunk?
- You got it.
Ma'am, if you require
my services in the future.
Happy Christmas, sir. Ma'am.
Now that, my friends,
is a real woman.
Smart and sexy and...
You noticed the little flirt
going on between us, huh?
Makes me think,
if a woman like that,
of that calibre
should take notice
of a bloke like me,
then, perhaps...
Perhaps Im selling myself
a bit short.
In a flash,
l have my New Year's resolution.
Aim higher.
Catastrophic. Doomed.
Desolate. Cataclysmic.
Bought him a word-of-the-day
calendar for Christmas.
Big mistake.
Holiday season,
busiest time of the year.
l try to run a business.
- What's the problem, Mr Wing?
- Your soul brother.
He quit.
In the letter Marlon left me,
he called me his best friend...
...but apologized for bailing
on our business scheme.
He said his whole thing now
was to make Lonette happy.
They decided,
on the spur of the moment,
to move upstate,