- You'll never call.
- Maybe l will.
All right, good. We'll go to a bar
together, hit on some chicks.
Damn right.
Thanks, Joe.
Im sorry about Evie.
...weren't all that fond
of each other...
...but we were very close.
- lf you know what l mean.
- l think l do.
Ive been thinking a lot lately
about God and death.
And how, if what they taught me
in Bible class is true,
Im really in for it.
But l won't be partying
with Lucifer any time soon,
because my test results
were negative.
Im gonna live! Im gonna live!
l ruined my Prada lace-ups
and l don't care.
Don't think Ive forgotten my oath
to completely change my life,
because l haven't.