Not that Ive ever actually
had a Christmas.
That's a whole other Dickens story.
Excuse me.
Im sorry, mate, it's against the law
for me to carry any more than--
Thank the Lord.
A Christmas miracle.
All right, hop in.
Thanks for saving us.
l was freezing my little tush off.
No worries. You know,
it's pretty full back there.
- Why don't you...
- Good idea.
Why don't l?
Hey, watch the champagne.
All in.
- They don't get out much.
- You wanna watch out, you guys.
You'll end up with a lump of coal
in your stocking.
You're English.
l love English.
- What's your name?
- Alfie.
You wanna abuse
a little substance, Alfie?
No, thanks. Im trying to quit.
All right. One hit.
Merry Christmastime