to confirm and then cancel
and then confirm again.
Why? What's wrong with
letting her pick the place?
You've got irritable
bowel syndrome, dude.
lf she chose an ethnic restaurant,
you're gonna be running to
the bathroom every five seconds.
Oh, my God. You're right.
Thank you.
You know, l doubt it'll get this far,
but if she turns out to be
easier than l thought,
there's something
you need to know.
l'm not a virgin, Sandy.
No, not technically,
but times have changed
since you were last single.
Now, listen, when l'm making out
with a girl for the first time,
l like to give her
a little spankin'.
Nothing violent.
You just tap her real light
right on the tushy and say,
""Hey, l'm your daddy.
l'm your daddy.''
Listen to me.
What are you doing?
l'm blotting the grease.
That's the best part. Let me see that.
Listen, don't be shy.
- lt's just a little tap. lt's like saying,
""Boop, l'm your daddy.''
- l'm not gonna tap her.
Brings 'em right back to childhood.
Trust me, they're putty in your hands
after that.
l gotta tell you,
l'm really excited about this. Really.
l feel like this could be
one of those...
defining moments of my life
or something, you know?
[ Laughs ]
Yeah, l actually think
it's not gonna work out,
but l'm pulling for you, Reub.
Just pray to God
she doesn't go ethnic.
The place didn't sound ethnic.
What was the name?
Al Hafez.
##[ Middle Eastern ]
So when did you live in Morocco?
ln the late '90s. l bounced around
to a bunch of different places
over the past few years.
Oh, yeah? Like where?
Oh, God, where?
Let's see, Austin, lstanbul,
Sri Lanka, Portland,
Costa Rica, Buffalo,
a couple other places.
Wow. Were you in the Peace Corps?
No, l just like to move a lot.
l kinda get stir-crazy if l'm stuck
in one place for too long,
you know what l mean?
- Oh, yeah, completely.
- [ Both Laughing ]
No, remember?
You were the person who broke--
Oh, my God!
l can't believe
you remember that.
Oh, of course.
You were like the greatest delegate
in Model U.N. history.
l guess l did manage
to pass a few resolutions.