Was it taken from the National Gallery?
Actually, the National Gallery has a copy.
- This is the original.
- Really?
That's a start.
- Do you think I'm bragging?
- No.
I'm not like other men, Sandra.
When I desire something beautiful, I take it.
Well, let's get back to business. Shall we?
- What are you offering?
- Security.
- More.
- Insurance.
- More.
- Exclusive service.
- I can have your services exclusively?
- Lf you like.
Very much.
- No rest for the wicked.
- No. There isn't.
- Excuse me.
- Okay.
I'm in way over my head here.
I'm gonna find the D.H. And get out.
D.H.? What's that?
Antique art is sensitive
to temperature conditions.
Maximov didn't go through all the trouble
to steal the El Grecos to let them rot.
He'll keep a dehumidifying chamber handy.
I think I found it.
It's empty.